Monday, March 31, 2014


We went to a birthday party in a McDonalds play-place this afternoon. 

Instead of sitting there imagining all the germs my children were ingesting I wandered around meeting all the moms I haven't met yet from my son's class. I was asked several times, when they found out I had seven children, "How do you do it?" 

Well here it is, folks. 

I do it by not doing it. 

I don't fold laundry. 

I don't wash windows. 

I don't wipe baseboards. 

You should see my closet. 

Also, check out my bathrooms. 

Let's just say I'm sure my bed is surprised if I ever actually get the bedspread pulled up. (Letting this one go pains me)

I avoid bulk stores and hyperventilation by purchasing way too much with Amazon Prime. 

I haven't printed photos in 10 years. 

If my kids bathe daily it's a coincidence. 

We eat the same four things for dinner. (Ask my kids.....they'll need therapy someday). 

BUT. It's ok

When I'm an old lady looking back on my life, I will not care one bit that my children's underwear were not folded. Or sorted. Or even worn. (I have a few who must be coerced. True story.) 

I'm just trying to be the mom that's outside playing with her children. Taking pictures of them. Enjoying them. Teaching them to love like Jesus does.  And impressing them with my oft-requested witch laugh. 

Example: (I used the haunted-house filter. Imagine the horror music) This is the boy's dresser.  That we keep downstairs so they can be monitored and kept up with. Obviously.