Tuesday, November 18, 2014

A Not-So-Very-Perfect Day

The car seats were all buckled into the wrong car, the baby got out into the yard and ran around in the snow with her footy jammies, the car doors were iced shut, kids hadn't eaten breakfast......
It being 7:30 in the morning, it being 15° and trying to leave the house with all seven kids , I thought those were going to be the most challenging moments of the day!

We were a few minutes late for School NĂºmero Uno, made it on time for school number two, and a couple blocks from home and a few kids lighter the suburban, a.k.a. 'Burbee', started thumping, and bumping, and driving really rough. I put my hazards on and limped home, already thinking of how to reconfigure my day around a broken car and more kids than would fit in the other car. Sage was in St. Louis for work, so I was on my own.

I was filling in for someone at work and had to be there at 9:20, so at 9 I went out to start Sage's reliable little car to warm it up {so the baby wouldn't scream all the way there because her hands were cold....welcome to the best parts of winter, little one}. To my sinking heart, there were no beautiful sounds of engines turning. There were no sounds at all. The silly car was dead as a door nail! 
Not admitting defeat I called a friend a couple of blocks away to see if I could borrow her car. She said of course, so I bundled all the kids up, unbundled Magnolia, changed her fresh little poop, rebundled her up, limped Burbee over there and took her minivan, barely making it to work on time.
After we changed cars, visited awhile and then limped Burbee back home {wondering how much permanent damage I was doing to her}, we had some lunch, and I called my pastor over to jump the car for me. Because I'm 37 years old and I've never jumped a car before. {{what?!?}} ....and after reading a HowTo on the inter-webs, I was afraid I would blow up both cars and melt my face off with my ignorance. 
Still. Nothing. No noise at all. 

During this time, Juniper happened to helpfully climb out of and unknowingly lock Burbee, with the keys in the ignition! so inside I go to scrounge around for a spare key. Yes thank you Lord, for once, FOR ONCE!!! something is where it's supposed to be! {small victories}

Auto Zone decided the battery was down for the count, and $119 later, a new battery was expertly put into Sage's little car. 

But still, I didn't have any way to get the big girls home from school because there are eight of us and only six seats in Sage's car. I made a few Facebook queries and got rides home for the big girls. More small victories. This day won't beat me down!

Magnolia usually naps from 1 to 2, sometimes 2:30, but in the last week she has figured out how to climb out of her bed {LordHelpUsAll} and it wasn't until 2:15 that I finally got her to sleep! Which meant, if I woke her up at 2:45 to pick up the elementary kids, she would've only had a 30 minute nap! Enter another friend, who sweetly offered to bring the kids home to me. Relief! {and Mag slept until 3:45! for anyone who cares}

Now, I still had to go for my regular hour of work from 4:30 to 5:30, so I left the key in the mailbox for the big girls and we bundled up and headed out again. And then. I forgot that the left passenger side door was still iced shut, and went to open it to get Juniper out. Lo and behold, would you look at that? the handle broke right off into my hand! 
I actually threw my head back and laughed out loud, LOL, L. O. L. like a complete bat-shit crazy lady. 

(I'm sure I looked a little like this, the real-life version of my Halloween costume this year)

The rest of the evening, some taco soup from the freezer, some chores, a movie on a school night!  diapering, teeth brushing, One fish – Two fish – Red fish – Blue fish, rocking, singing Twinkle twinkle and Jesus loves the Little Children, rubbing backs, saying prayers and tiptoeing out. 


That was all the perfect ending to a not so very perfect day. 

Wednesday, September 17, 2014

Mud, poop and ice-cream

I lurched into The First Soccer Practice late and disheveled tonight as I have been parenting alone for a few days. 

With the torrential downpour we had all day the coach decided to cancel practice and just have us parents sign a few forms before we headed home. 

Enter the imaginations I'm usually so happy to embrace as Rowan, Ash, Juniper and Magnolia took off into the nearby baseball diamond to play imaginary baseball, ignoring my feeble calls to stay out of the mud. However, as it was MUDDY, {something that can make me crazy, especially when there's a car ride between the mud and the bathtub} they all got MUDDY. 

We headed to the grass to start wiping the inch thick mud off of the shoes and I realized Magnolia had chosen this special moment to poop in her diaper. 

So we all slowly headed back to the car, and as I'm 10 wipes into the messiest poop on the planet, I hear a little voice say "Mama, I stepped in dog poop". 

The color brown is no longer on my favorite list. 

Juniper's  pink flip-flop was pink no more, and I have no earthly idea how it got all the way up her ankle and on her shin. 

This being the ghetto park with no soap I made do with wipes and c a r e f u l l y wrapped that flipflop for the ride home. 

I was tempted, of course, to just drop it in the dumpster, but being as how she's a kid in my current house, it's her only surviving p a i r of shoes at the moment. 

I can only laugh as I just realized that the Survival Ice-cream I bought on the way home is Brown.  

Monday, March 31, 2014


We went to a birthday party in a McDonalds play-place this afternoon. 

Instead of sitting there imagining all the germs my children were ingesting I wandered around meeting all the moms I haven't met yet from my son's class. I was asked several times, when they found out I had seven children, "How do you do it?" 

Well here it is, folks. 

I do it by not doing it. 

I don't fold laundry. 

I don't wash windows. 

I don't wipe baseboards. 

You should see my closet. 

Also, check out my bathrooms. 

Let's just say I'm sure my bed is surprised if I ever actually get the bedspread pulled up. (Letting this one go pains me)

I avoid bulk stores and hyperventilation by purchasing way too much with Amazon Prime. 

I haven't printed photos in 10 years. 

If my kids bathe daily it's a coincidence. 

We eat the same four things for dinner. (Ask my kids.....they'll need therapy someday). 

BUT. It's ok

When I'm an old lady looking back on my life, I will not care one bit that my children's underwear were not folded. Or sorted. Or even worn. (I have a few who must be coerced. True story.) 

I'm just trying to be the mom that's outside playing with her children. Taking pictures of them. Enjoying them. Teaching them to love like Jesus does.  And impressing them with my oft-requested witch laugh. 

Example: (I used the haunted-house filter. Imagine the horror music) This is the boy's dresser.  That we keep downstairs so they can be monitored and kept up with. Obviously.