Wednesday, September 17, 2014

Mud, poop and ice-cream

I lurched into The First Soccer Practice late and disheveled tonight as I have been parenting alone for a few days. 

With the torrential downpour we had all day the coach decided to cancel practice and just have us parents sign a few forms before we headed home. 

Enter the imaginations I'm usually so happy to embrace as Rowan, Ash, Juniper and Magnolia took off into the nearby baseball diamond to play imaginary baseball, ignoring my feeble calls to stay out of the mud. However, as it was MUDDY, {something that can make me crazy, especially when there's a car ride between the mud and the bathtub} they all got MUDDY. 

We headed to the grass to start wiping the inch thick mud off of the shoes and I realized Magnolia had chosen this special moment to poop in her diaper. 

So we all slowly headed back to the car, and as I'm 10 wipes into the messiest poop on the planet, I hear a little voice say "Mama, I stepped in dog poop". 

The color brown is no longer on my favorite list. 

Juniper's  pink flip-flop was pink no more, and I have no earthly idea how it got all the way up her ankle and on her shin. 

This being the ghetto park with no soap I made do with wipes and c a r e f u l l y wrapped that flipflop for the ride home. 

I was tempted, of course, to just drop it in the dumpster, but being as how she's a kid in my current house, it's her only surviving p a i r of shoes at the moment. 

I can only laugh as I just realized that the Survival Ice-cream I bought on the way home is Brown.  

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