Blog post #1
I shamelessly admit to using Ash as a nap decoy.
Technically he could get by with no nap at all. At 4 he is by far my oldest napper.
But I have found if I want Juniper to nap at all, she goes down a lot easier when there's another kid paving the way.
Hence my nap decoy.
P. s. He almost always falls asleep before she does. So I don't feel bad one bit for using him in this terrible way.
P. p. s. I've never started a blog because I'm a perfectionist and could never find the perfect name, the perfect first post, or have enough sleep to put together a coherent thought. (See? Right there? I'm not even sure if "putting a coherent thought together" is grammatically correct. But see? I'm trying not to care anymore)
All asleep at once? In my dreams!